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Blog: The Case and Need for Mass Timber

In order to build a world-class mass timber industry, Canada needs to adopt a strategic approach to the use of its forestry resources, as outlined in the 2024 Mass Timber Roadmap.

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Paper and Pulp Waste Takes on Role in Carbon Conversion to Make New Products

Researchers at McGill University are using pulp and paper manufacturing waste to facilitate carbon conversion to be able to make green products.

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Is Mass Timber the Next Big Thing in Cheaper, Greener Construction?

Mass Timber is touted as a way to quickly build more housing — it's faster and easier to build with than concrete and steel, and less carbon-intensive to boot.

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New Life for Low-Grade Timber and Lumber

The Deadwood project in B.C. has developed an innovative process that converts low-grade timber into a wood product that can be used in various applications.

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Ontario Expanding Mass Timber Construction 

The Ontario government has announced plans to amend the Ontario Building Code to permit mass timber structures as tall as 18 storeys.

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Branching Out: Forestry’s Solution to the Housing Crisis

In Toronto Life, Jon Neuert of Baird Sampson Neuert Architects dives into the intersection of two major issues Toronto is facing: climate and housing.

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The Role of Biomass Innovation in Canada’s Energy Future

The forest sector is finding ways to use every part of the tree to help decarbonize our economy, and one of the critical ways they’re doing it is by turning byproducts into biomass.

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A Valuable Indigenous Mass Timber Perspective: Eladia Smoke

On the Mass Timber Institute’s podcast, Mass Timber Today, Anishinabekwe architect Eladia Smoke discusses her work in the mass timber sector and the importance of Indigenous design principles.

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How Indigenous Participation In Forest Management is Changing Resource Development in Canada

In a recent article, experts and participants in Indigenous forestry and sector partnerships share recent strides that have been made in how Indigenous peoples engage in resource development in Canada.

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Seeing The Forest For The Future: The Forest Sector’s Commitment to Sustainability

In the Globe and Mail, Kari Stuart-Smith, manager of biodiversity and wildlife for forest products company Canfor Corporation and Tony Rotherham, a retired forester, speak to the role Canadians foresters are playing in securing our forests for generations to come through sustainable forestry.

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What's it Like to Be a Chief Forester?

Two professional foresters discuss what goes into creating a 10-year forest management plan.

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What You Should Know About Canadian Forestry

Derek Nighbor, President and CEO of FPAC, shares with TELUS Talks how sustainable forest management practices are contributing to our economy, our communities and the planet.

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Hear How We’re Sustainably Managing Canada’s Forests

On the Construction Record podcast, Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) CEO Derek Nighbor explains what sustainable forest management is, and the potential of the sector to reduce waste, cut emissions, and keep our forests as forests forever.

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Finding a Better Way to Build With Mass Timber

Canada-based companies like Element5 are leading the way in the mass-timber revolution.

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Forestry Doc Cuts Through Misconceptions

FPAC President & CEO Derek Nighbor joins the ConstructConnect podcast to discuss the role of Canadian foresters – working with nature to maximize the carbon-storing potential of our most renewable resource through conservation and sustainable forest management.

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Forestry Company Shares Plans for Reconciliation Journey and Partnerships

Mercer International recently shared its plans to continue its journey towards reconciliation, forming new partnerships and nurturing existing ones.

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Montreal Economic Institute highlights the role forestry can play in growing a circular economy

Our forests have a decisive role to play in our collective fight against climate change. A recent publication from the Montreal Economic Institute highlights how a healthy forest sector can help secure a more sustainable future.

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Building More Sustainable Communities in Canada

Communities across Canada are realizing the incredible potential of mass-timber construction. When we build tall with wood, we not only reduce carbon pollution during construction by up to 45%, but because carbon stays stored in wood products like lumber, tall wood buildings continue to serve as a carbon store long after the wood used in their construction has left the forest.

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Land management’s role in raging forest fire seasons

With worsening wildfire and forest pest outbreaks, monitoring and managing these disturbances ensure our forests continue to serve as a critical carbon sink in our fight against climate change.

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Getting to Net-Zero Together

The Canadian forestry industry has made tremendous strides over the last couple of decades in becoming a global leader in sustainable forest management and our zero-waste approach is putting us on the path to a net-zero carbon economy by 2050.

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Working with Nature’s Resiliency

Not only is Canada recognized as a global leader in the sustainable management of the world’s most renewable resource – trees – we’re also finding new ways to use our forests to augment our nature-based carbon storage potential.

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From Zero Waste to Net Zero, Canada’s Forests Are Critical to a Cleaner, Greener Future

Canada’s sustainably-managed forests and the carbon-storing wood products they provide are key to supporting Canada’s transition to a net-zero carbon economy by 2050 - meeting conservation targets and creating the quality green jobs of tomorrow at the same time. Media are invited to join Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) for a virtual tour of a sustainable managed forest area followed by a live Q&A session with Derek Nighbor, FPAC’s President and CEO, and Étienne Bélanger, FPAC’s Director of Forestry.

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How Lim Geomatics is using new technology to change an old industry

By Joe Castaldo - Through consistent innovation and world-leading technological advancements, Canada’s forest sector is leading the charge towards helping reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and becoming a zero-waste industry.

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Protecting Canada’s Forestry Industry

The forest sector is building an inclusive sector, one that allows opportunity for all and supports the growth of Indigenous peoples.

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How can B.C. defend, protect itself against devastating wildfire seasons?

By Alanna Kelly – Communities across Canada – especially in British Columbia – are establishing wildfire mitigation plans to protect their residents and the forests they live near.

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Mass Timber: Shaping the Future

By John Tenpenny – Canadians from coast to coast are realizing that mass timber projects will shape the future of low-carbon construction, the development of the bioeconomy, and ultimately a greener and more sustainable future.

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Why Professional Forestry is a Career Requiring More Than Just a Passion for the Outdoors

Canada’s professional foresters play an essential role in keeping our forests healthy and our communities safer from wildfire risks.

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Yes, We Can Grow 1 Trillion Trees to Help Fight Climate Change

By Jad Daley & Marc Benioff – There’s a nature-based solution to the planetary emergency that is climate change: trees. Here in Canada, we’re leading the world in sustainable forest management, paving a way towards a net-zero future and keepings forests as forests forever.

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Canada can embrace forestry’s powerful climate change solutions

By Steve Colombo, PhD - Realizing the role that Canada’s forests play in mitigating climate change by capturing carbon in both our forests and wood products is crucial to a national emissions reduction strategy. (From Winnipeg Free Press)

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Forestry does not equal deforestation – and other lessons I’ve learned as a Canadian forester

By Lacey Rose - Long-time Canadian forester Lacey Rose shares why she’s both a proud member of the forestry industry and lifelong tree-hugger (From Wood Business)

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Plant trees, sure. But to save the climate, we should also cut them down.

By Jonah Bader - Our forests have a critical role to play in capturing carbon and limiting the effects of climate change (From CNN)

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